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Hey Ya’ll.

Welcome to my blog. My passion is faith, family, and fashion!

Besos, Tori

Fashion Friday: Industry Wednesday

Fashion Friday: Industry Wednesday

Written By Tori J Jones

It`s Fashion Friday buy I’m all about Industry Wednesday! I had the pleasure of being one of the guest speakers at a monthly networking event for creatives in Coastal Virginia called Industry Wednesday. The them was “When Fashion and Real Estate Collide”. Fun fun fact is I used to be a licensed Realtor in Virginia for many years. But on this night I was asked to speak about the fashion scene in Coastal Virginia and how to make your brand stand out. You can check out what I said on my upcoming YouTube Channel. Style Tip: I decided to wear my favorite design element, monochromatic. I’m really into color right now. Color is also a way to make your look more playful and chic.

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Besos, Tori

Fashion Flavor: What To Wear For Juneteenth Celebrations And Why It's Important To Celebrate!

Fashion Flavor: What To Wear For Juneteenth Celebrations And Why It's Important To Celebrate!

First Monday: What to Wear For a Three Day Celebration.

First Monday: What to Wear For a Three Day Celebration.