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Hey Ya’ll.

Welcome to my blog. My passion is faith, family, and fashion!

Besos, Tori

Where To Get Custom Clothes Made In Costal Virgnia.

Where To Get Custom Clothes Made In Costal Virgnia.

Written By Tori J Jones

Fashion Flavor Ya’ll! Where can get get a custom made suit and a cup of coffee? Bonaire is where. A new experience where you can get bespoke quality that comes from superb craftsmanship and service. Bonaire is nested in the heart of Downtown Norfolk on Granby Street. The owner, Mike Kindle and Marketing Director, Kayla Bright of Bonaire graciously open their doors to give a presentation to my Innovation and Entrepreneurship Class. The experience was so fitting because I have Fashion and Culinary students in class. Bonaire combines a custom clothier with advanced technology and a coffee shop too. The students were able gain industry knowledge from an local entrepreneur and even one student got to experience the body scan for a custom piece.

This is a must experience spot! Check them out and tell them Tori J Jones sent you!

Bonaire Custom Clothier and Coffee Bar

259 Granby Street, Norfolk VA 23510

Comment Below: How would you like custom made clothes?

Besos, Tori

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