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How Do You Pivot in 2022?

Written By Tori J Jones

It’s Fashion Friday! How do you pivot when you need to make a hard decision? What do you do when you need to make a change? You pivot. I had that moment and I had to make a decision to either stay where I am or change and move forward. This post is all about me changing my online career. If you didn’t know I have struggled in the past with change. But even now as I write this I have to say that I’m proud of myself. I stayed in the moment long enough to validate my feelings but then made the choice to pivot. I decided I want more and I know that I have to change some things to get those major results. So today I am encouraging you to feel yours feelings, and then make choices that moves you forward. Even if its uncomfortable.

Style Tip: Chose you. Its looks amazing with everything.

Comment Below: Do you need to pivot in 2022?

Besos, Tori